Application Guidelines

The application form is a formal request to receive MCDP services. Due to the overwhelming need and limited resources and timelines for MCDP support, our services will now be provided following an application process. The application is for MCDP staff to assist in any of the key delivery service areas.  This new process, including fees for service, effective June 1, 2011, will allow for the most efficient and effective service to committed intermunicipal groups.  MCDP will remain available for a preliminary presentation on our services before an application must be submitted.


  • Two or more municipalities wishing to work together

Criteria for Accessing Services:

  • One municipality must submit an application form to the MCDP Management Committee with supplementary documents on behalf of the participating municipalities
  • The application form questions should be completed fully, including the following information:
    • Applicant name
    • Municipality name (and RM # if necessary)
    • Primary contact information of applying municipality
    • List of participating municipalities
    • Documentation of each council resolution indicating commitment to participate in intermunicipal initiatives
    • Signature of representative of the applying municipality
  • Additional Supplementary documents to the application may be submitted at the discretion of the participating communities such as prior funding approval, shared agreements, etc.
  • Once the application has been reviewed and approved, a work plan and timeline shall be prepared by MCDP staff and provided to the group.


  • Approval of applications may take up to six weeks and will be subject to MCDP staffing capacity.


Application Criteria

Applications will be considered based on (in no particular order):

  1. Level of need. The level of regional planning that has taken place in the area to date.
  2. The potential for success of the project or initiative, measured by increasing sustainability in the region.
  3. The potential to benefit additional stakeholders beyond the intermunicipal partners (i.e. local business, parks, recreation, tourism, Sask organizations, industry, developers, etc.)
  4. The availability of resources.
  5. Number of municipalities involved/scope of project and scope of potential results
  6. Clarity of intermunicipal objective.
  7. Motivating factors contributing to outcome achievement (i.e. new mine development and related infrastructure and servicing needs).
  8. Measurable outcomes within 6 – 12 months.


MCDP Services Application Form