MCDP Services


MCDP exists to help municipalities work together.  If you believe that your municipality could benefit from working with neighbouring municipalities, but don't know where to start, MCDP can assist you.  Our experienced facilitators can help you to build a solid group structure and develop the tools to complete your regional project.  MCDP has assisted on over a 100 unique inter-municipal projects and is able to create a process that is customized to your needs.  The process chart shows how MCDP services can be used to prepare for a Official Community Plan project.



We tailor our services to meet your needs: 

  • Coordination and facilitation of Intermunicipal forums and community meetings
  • Supporting the establishment of formal and informal intermunicipal working groups including the engagement of government agencies and other stakeholders in the process
  • Educating intermunicipal working groups of the benefits and possible approaches to sustainable planning
  • Assisting with the development of a background report/intermunicipal profile for the group e.g. community dynamics, population growth etc.
  • Assisting with the development of community resource inventories - community resource inventory exercises to support MAIS
  • Tailoring a process for the Intermunicipal group to follow in identifying common issues and opportunities
  • Facilitating the development of intermunicipal group community action plans (comprehensive strategic plans)
  • Providing models and templates of Intermunicipal working agreements and encouragement for cost sharing arrangements i.e. human resources
  • Assisting with the development of Terms of Reference for shared resources
  • Providing information and assistance with the development of Memorandum of Understanding and dispute/conflict resolution mechanisms
  • Recording and sharing municipally-defined 'best practices'
  • Developing and providing Intermunicipal governance models
  • Supporting the development and implementation of communication strategies for local community engagement e.g. flyers, PowerPoint presentation, open-houses, etc.
  • Supporting the establishment of project management structure e.g. governance, assigning responsibilities, timelines, allocating resources etc.
  • Providing technical assistance to Intermunicipal groups as the need arises e.g. networking, specific funding information, etc.
  • Maintaining a user-friendly website with links, case studies, agreements, models and best practices for sustainable communities -
  • Edit and contribute to Interconnections, the sustainablility focused newsletter for Saskatchewan Communities, in partnership with SARM and SUMA
  • Developing and/ Coordinating topic specific workshops with applicable organizations and agencies at the request of intermunicipal groups, including:
    1. Regional Waste Management (Saskatchewan Environment, Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council, Association of Regional Waste Management Authorities of Saskatchewan)
    2. Sustainable Planning and Development For Small Communities (MCDP, Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ministry of Education)
    3. Community Resource Inventories (MCDP, Ministry of Tourism, Parks Culture and Sport, SaskCulture, SaskBiz)
    4. Building Trust in Partnerships
    5. Preparing Grant and Funding Proposals (MCDP, SUMA, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, New Horizons)
    6. Oil and Gas Workshop (MCDP, Saskatchewan Petroleum Industry/ Government Environment Committee)

For further details on the modules and workshops MCDP provides, please view the workshops page.