The Municipal Capacity Development Program is currently working with over 275+ municipalities which comprise more than 40 inter-municipal working groups across the province. This page is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of some of the inter-municipal groups we have assisted since 2006.
Southwest Regional Planning Group
Cornerstone Community Planning Group
"MCDP has been instrumental in moving us forward towards developing a better understanding of one another and creating a positive working relationship between the R.M. of Moose Mountain, the Village of Manor, and the Town of Carlyle" ~Huguette Lutz~
Mid Sask Municipal Alliance (MSMA)
"MCDP helped us with the formation of the MSMA and continues to help by leading us through our annual review and planning session. This is vital in helping us remain focused on the areas we can and want to address so that the time and efforts of the group and our Planner are best utilized" ~Bruce Elke~
Twin Lakes District Planning Commission (TLDPC)
"MCDP helped our nine municipalities bridge the differing opinions and objectives each one had. They were instrumental in finding the common ground and guided us in building the plan to move forward with our District Official Community Plan" ~Lewis Robin~
"I really believe that regional co-operation and planning is the answer for urban and rural municipalities. We have far more similarities than differences yet we have our own identities. The support and guidance provided by the staff with the Municipal Capacity Development Program has been a god-send in our progress to date" ~Hugh Macdonald~
North of Divide Community Association (NODCA)
“We’re achieving services that would be impossible on an individual basis and the group provides a sense of uniformity throughout the region, while respecting the uniqueness of individual municipalities” ~Perry Brookes~
North Valley Inter-municipal Organization (NVIMO)
"The Municipal Capacity Development Program (MCDP) assisted and was very helpful when the North Valley Intermunicipal Organization formed a great networking group of urban and rural municpalities. By meeting regularly, municipal representatives have an opportunity to think regionally and discuss common interests and concerns. Everyone leaves the meetings with a more informed perspective of current issues in the area" ~Loretta Young~
Twin Rivers
"Our group was extremely pleased with the help the MCDP staff provided us when we were developing a Request for Proposal on a joint project. In addition to helping us develop the proposal, they also showed us the importance of establishing criteria for evaluating proposals in order to guide us to make the best decision" ~Twin Rivers Group~
Wakaw Lake Stewardship Group
“The Wakaw Lake Stewardship Group has been helped immensely by MCDP. We are grateful for the services offered through the program, with the knowledge of the MCDP development officers, and the resources which are available to the Wakaw Lake Stewardship Group. It has given us an opportunity to experience inter-municipal co-operation, and in the future, hopefully experience growth and economic development. With their help, we have come a long way - much farther than if we had been on our own" ~Catherine Mazurkewich~
Wilcox Strategic Planning Committee
"The Municipal Capacity Development Program (MCDP) offered our group the leadership and assistance necessary to develop a strategic plan for our area. Small communities normally do not have the resources or expertise to develop and implement a strategic plan that creates and maintains growth in an area. Our small community, like most, had limited resources to work with. Through the assistance, leadership and professionalism of the MCDP staff members, our group was not only able to find a focus but was also able to develop a path for the future growth of the area. Interestingly, by developing a plan for the area, representatives of the group also became more aware of the individual strengths of each of the other participants. We feel we have been empowered to address the challenges of the future" ~Kevin Ritchie~
Val Marie Economic Development Committee
Buffalo Pound Community Councils (BPCC)